Revelation from New Smyrna Beach, Florida

I love sitting close to the water. 

It seems that I can hear the voice of the Lord in the sound of the waves.

So I had the privilege of visiting New Smyrna Beach the weekend of Pentecost Sunday.

I could feel the wind of the Holy Spirit coming off of the water. It was a very beautiful atmosphere.  Cool breeze, awesome views at sunset and I was just praying and seeking the  Lord. 

The Lord reminded me of how people are being empowered and walking into their destiny and calling and gifts are being activated. So just like Paul told Timothy to  “stir up the gifts that are within you,” I believe that even on this past Pentecost Sunday, with the breath of the Holy Spirit blowing, God is stirring up gifts within us.

He is stirring up those gifts that we know we have, and those that we didn't know that we possess, that are coming to fruition. 

This is the time and the season to walk into this divine time and be empowered in the midst of this...

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