Revelation from New Smyrna Beach, Florida

I love sitting close to the water. 

It seems that I can hear the voice of the Lord in the sound of the waves.

So I had the privilege of visiting New Smyrna Beach the weekend of Pentecost Sunday.

I could feel the wind of the Holy Spirit coming off of the water. It was a very beautiful atmosphere.  Cool breeze, awesome views at sunset and I was just praying and seeking the  Lord. 

The Lord reminded me of how people are being empowered and walking into their destiny and calling and gifts are being activated. So just like Paul told Timothy to  “stir up the gifts that are within you,” I believe that even on this past Pentecost Sunday, with the breath of the Holy Spirit blowing, God is stirring up gifts within us.

He is stirring up those gifts that we know we have, and those that we didn't know that we possess, that are coming to fruition. 

This is the time and the season to walk into this divine time and be empowered in the midst of this time. 

The scripture that came to mind was Daniel 11:32. And it says, They that know their God shall do exploits. When I looked it up in the Message Bible it reads slightly different...those who stay courageously loyal to their God will take a strong stand. 

This is our time to be courageous. 

And courageous doesn't mean that we are fearless,  

Courage means that even though I'm afraid, I'm still going to be obedient to what the Holy Spirit is asking me to do. 

Even more so, I believe we're going to see that break out among us as Empowerment Warriors, but also as members of the body of Christ. 

We will walk into the fullness of all that God has called us to do!

Be strong and take a stand for righteousness, a stand on the Word of God, a stand for holiness, a stand for everything that the Kingdom represents. 

Stand for love, joy, peace, and righteousness in the Kingdom.

I believe this is the time and season that we're going to see an increase in exploits that we're doing on behalf of the Kingdom of God.

The more that you stand up for the KINGDOM, you’ll see the accuracy of your dreams and see the benefits of the prophetic word come to pass and witness how people's lives are changed or transformed as a result. 

You are an influencer!

And you get to influence others on behalf of the Kingdom of God and encourage them.  The Lord God can take the seeds that you're planting, and send somebody else to plant more seeds. And someone else plants more seeds, and somebody else waters but the Bible tells us that God gives the increase

We are going to do exploits on behalf of the kingdom of God. And we're going to see more giftings come forth as we operate in obedience.

You've already been seeing some great exploits come to pass because you've been obedient. 

Each one of us will choose to walk in obedience, stir up those seeds of greatness within us that causes us to do exploits in the name of the Most High God.

Go forth Empowerment Warrior!


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Natasha N. Mackey specializes in empowering people to enjoy life while discovering their God given purpose.  Through overcoming life struggles, her experience,
impactful testimony and inspirational words she teaches
others how to embrace and love their authentic selves.


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