What is so important about the "Blood of Jesus"?

Uncategorized Apr 24, 2020

"Blood of Jesus" 

You may have heard this phrase and are not sure what it means.

Here's my disclaimer...

I believe that The Bible is the infallible word of God. I believe that the word was God breathed into men and they were inspired to pen these anointed words.

Regardless of how people in history tried to discredit the word or violently enforce the word or only shared the parts of the word that benefited them, the Bible is the truth.

It has been confirmed through historical data and through other historical writers who were not necessarily supporters of The Bible, and repeatedly many of the findings have been confirmed through archaeological digs and other scientific evidence.

This is my basis for believing the word of God!

Although The Bible is a literal historical document, there is much symbolism included that is applicable in 2020.

On that note, God established a covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that carried through to their lineage as the children of Israel. These covenant people were enslaved in Egypt and were crying out for deliverance. So God raised up a deliverer through Moses.

This is the Moses that was born during a time when baby boys were to be killed because of population control.  Through divine acts, his life was spared and he ended up being raised in Pharoah's household, who was the most prominent leader in Egypt at that time.

Moses, the Prince of Egypt.

As life would have it, Moses began to have a revelation of his origin and began to feel compassion for the slaves that he had oversight of as a leader in Egypt. As a result, he defended the Hebrew people and committed murder. This caused him to flee from Egypt and hide in the desert. There, he encountered Adonai (Ex. 3:7-10).

After this divine encounter God gave Moses instructions.

God was sending Moses back to Egypt at the age of 80 to go and deliver His covenant people from the Egyptians.   God set forth deliverance through mighty Supernatural acts. He warned Moses in advance that Pharaoh was not going to react well to the plagues that would be sent.    By the time the Lord sent the 10th plague, Pharaoh had no choice but to give in to Moses' demands.

God was very strategic in making a difference between his covenant people and those who were not a part of the covenant. In this case it was the Egyptians. So when the plagues were happening in Egypt, the children of Israel were in the land of Goshen and they were spared from the effects of the various plagues.

The last plague was that the 1st born son of every household and animal was destined to die.

The children of Israel were given specific instructions on what to do in order to have their firstborn children and animals spared. The families were to select a perfect spotless lamb to sacrifice.

In each family, in their households, they were to take the blood from the lamb and put it over the door post of their home and on the 2 side posts as well. This lamb was referred to as the Pesach or Passover lamb.

When the death angel was released, if this sacrificial blood was on the doorposts of the home, the death angel would pass over. This was part of their covenant with God!

Those who were obedient to follow the instructions were spared from the effects of this plague and the lives of the firstborn sons and animals were spared.

As a memorial to this mighty act, the children of Israel were required to celebrate Passover every year in order to remember and teach future generations about how God spared their lives and brought them out in a mighty show from their Egyptian bondage.

Fast forward thousands of years later when Jesus is born in a similar time when boys age 2 and under are being destroyed by king Herod's order.  However, Jesus' life was spared on many occasions because he was the God man sent to fulfill a special mission from God. As a sinless sacrifice, he was the only one able to complete this mission.

As the sacrificial, unspotted lamb, Jesus went to the cross and died a sinner's death. 

He was mocked, beaten, and scourged. His flesh was ripped from his bones, the soldiers pushed the crown of thorns into his skull, as he endured the suffering and the shame.

He was put on the cross and nails were driven through his hands and feet. Such an agonizing death.  To ensure a fast death, the soldiers pierced him in the side and both water and blood flowed from his body.

Jesus' blood can be applied to our lives and the door posts of our hearts and minds.  Jesus is our Passover lamb.  We can appropriate the Blood of Jesus to any thing or any place that we want to be covered and protected.

Celebrate the Blood of Jesus!


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